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Samurai Savings Drive or SSD

The Sakamoto PTO Board would like to extend a THANK YOU to the families of Sakamoto Elementary for their generous support of the Samurai Savings Drive, last year. Each year, the PTO strives to raise over $100,000 to provide curriculum enrichment for EVERY student.


What is Samurai Savings Drive?
The Samurai Savings Drive is an annual Parent Teacher Organization fundraiser that raises money for Sakamoto school programs that are not funded by Oak Grove School District. This includes educational enrichment programs with an emphasis on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math), Language Arts, Reading, Social Emotional Learning, and P.E. These enrichment programs are only made available through the support of Sakamoto families.

Why Should I Pledge?

  • 100% of the PTO spending goes directly into the classrooms and benefits all students.

  • The PTO invests $215 per child for all students at Sakamoto throughout the year. Please invest in enriching your child’s education by pledging the suggested $150 amount or more.


How Do I Pledge?

  • Online, right here during the pledge drive. Click on the donate button at the bottom of this page.

  • At any Sakamoto fundraising event.

  • Complete the form and return with a check to your child's teacher. Make check payable to "Sakamoto PTO".


What does Samurai Savings Drive Support?

The mission of the Sakamoto PTO is to partner with Sakamoto Elementary School staff and parents to provide students with access to resources that support educational enrichment with an emphasis on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math), Language Arts/Reading and Fine Arts.

In order to accomplish this, we:

  • Raise funds through an annual pledge drive.

  • Contract with specialized providers for classroom music and art programs

  • Invest in technology for classrooms and the STEAM Lab (i.e. Chrome Books)

  • Equip teachers and classrooms with additional materials and supplies, and professional development to teach in a 21st century classroom environment


Increase Your Contributions

Many employers will match your Sakamoto Samuari Savings Drive donation - it's "free money" for the PTO, easy to get and supports Sakamoto students and teachers! Click here to see if your employer is on our list. If not, please inquire with your company's Human Resources Department.

If you have questions about how to apply for corporate matching email


Thank you for your support!


Click here to donate today!




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Dining for Dollars

Come out and support Sakamoto school! Dining for Dollars is a program that works with local restaurants and businesses to earn some money for the Sakamoto PTO (which in turn helps our school!). Simply go to the restaurant enjoy a meal on the date specified and let them know you are eating there for Sakamoto's Dining for Dollars night. The restaurant or business will give us a portion of the sales. It is a super easy way to help our school! 


Click on the calendar tab above to see when the next Dining for Dollars day is!

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This year we are using TreeRing to produce our yearbook!

Here are three reasons we chose TreeRing:


  • Custom Yearbooks: Every student gets a one of a kind printed copy containing two free pages that you customize with personal photos, dedications, etc.​


  • Green Yearbooks: TreeRing plants a tree in our school’s name for every book purchased and they print on recycled paper.


  • Beautiful Yearbooks: All yearbooks are gorgeously printed in full color using the highest end print production available.


To purchase and PERSONALIZE your Sakamoto Elementary School yearbook go to this website link:

A few important facts:

  • Order ​by ​a certain date ​& ​get ​a ​15% ​discount ​dropping ​it ​to ​$20.40. Your personalized yearbook only costs $24. 


  • You’ll need to complete your 2 free personal pages by a certain date to be announced.


  • Your 2 free custom pages are optional. If you don’t customize, you’ll receive a standard yearbook with 2 extra autograph pages.


  • Even with the reduced cost of the yearbook, there is a small fundraiser built into the cost to fund our PTO sponsored programs.


  • Both check and credit card are accepted online for payment.

If you have any questions, please email

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Spirit Wear

Show your Samurai Pride!

Newly designed Spirit wear available in many product types in several colors! Orders will ship directly to your home. Each item purchased will raise funds for the PTO!


Order Spirit Wear

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Company Matching

Do you work for a company that offers donation matching? Many companies will match your donations dollar for dollar. Don’t forget to submit your donation forms to increase your investment. Please submit ‘Sakamoto PTO’ as the beneficiaries on your matching forms. Click on the button below to see if your company will match your donation! It is an easy way to help raise more money for your child's school!

Matching Company List.


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Company Sponsors

Thank you to all the businesses who have donated to Sakamoto PTO. Check out our home page for our sponsor's information.


Would you like to sponsor Sakamoto? Email for more information.

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Code Ninjas

Sakamoto PTO has teamed up with Code Ninjas Evergreen to give our students opportunities to learn coding while raising money for our school! Your child (2nd Grade+) can enjoy 2 whole hours of fun STEM activities which include Roblox Development and Lego Robotics with friends from Sakamoto. $40 for each class. 50% given back to Sakamoto.


Event Dates: 8/24, 9/28, 10/26, 11/16, 1/18, 2/8, 3/15, 4/12


Sakamoto Elementary Parent Teacher Organization

Contact Us


Email address:

Our PTO is a California 501 © 3      Non-Profit Organization:                        Tax ID #20-5380893

PTO Volunteer Corner:

Let’s Be Friends!

 Join the PTO Facebook page to keep in touch, build a stronger community,  and share information with one another in a safe space!

  • Facebook

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